Long distance relationships: How to make the best of a challenging situation
As social creatures, we humans have a deep desire to be close to other people. Our relationships with our partners, parents, spouses, siblings, friends and others hold a special place and bring a strong sense of loving and being loved and cared for. However, these same relationships can also be challenging and stressful, especially when long distances are involved.
What is an Extended Distance Relationship?
Simply put, extended distance relationships or long-distance relationships result when two people are geographically far from each other. They can't regularly meet in person and must rely on the internet, phone calls, messages, etc. to communicate. These types of relationships can be taxing, evoke feelings of missing someone, loneliness, and insecurity. To be sure, there are ways through which communication can be maintained, but are they enough to bring a smile to that someone's face? This is where we at Friendship Lamps come to your rescue and bring you our exquisite and exclusive range of long-distance friendship gifts. Our best friendship lamps and friendship touch lamps are a perfect gift for those far away from you.
These lamps function on advanced technology, where all you need to do is plug in your lamps, connect them to the internet, and touch your lamp. The other lamp at your loved ones' places instantly lights up, reminding them of the special love and bond you share. Available immediately, Friendship Lamps are available on Amazon the most leading eCommerce platforms globally, or you can order directly from our website.
Our objective is to bridge the gap between you and your loved ones and never let distance become the reason for heartbreaks among anyone. We know long-distance relationships can be complicated. However, with our world-class products, we aim to spread the magic of relational connectivity anytime, anywhere.
The most difficult problems In Extended Distance Relationships
Misunderstandings and issues can crop up in any relationship. When you are nearby, resolving issues can be much easier than when you are miles apart. Some of the most common problems faced by people in extended distance relationships are :
- Communication challenges – Communication is the key to any relationship. Both lacks communication and miscommunication can play serious havoc when it comes to relationships. Things said on the phone and messages don’t always come across as intended. Communication gaps can also result due to time zones, out-of-sync routines, etc.
- Trust issues – Trust is one of the biggest challenges in any relationship but even more so in long-distance relationships. When two people are far from each other, the pressure of trusting each other is higher than ever before.
- Loneliness and boredom – When you see other couples or families do things together, like going out on dates, watching a movie, shopping, etc., you are sure to feel a pang of loneliness and miss the physical presence of the other person in your life.
- Maintaining intimacy – Both physical and emotional intimacy are essential for a relationship. However, we firmly believe that attaining one without the other is challenging. Long-distance relationships are affected by the lack of comfort and familiarity that comes from kissing, hugging, etc.
Solutions to the most challenging problems in extended distance relationships
If you are dedicated to solving your problems and making your relationship work, rest assured that it can be done. Our unique, innovative, technology-rich, and best long-distance friendship lamps are one of the best ways to demolish the barriers of distance and find love and happiness all over again. Some easy ways to overcome the challenges in your long-distance relationships are:
- Regular and consistent communication - If you are in a long-distance relationship, you must constantly communicate with your loved ones. Decide on a time suitable for both of you and try to stay connected in each other's life as much as possible. This not only keeps you informed but also assured.
- Building trust through transparency and honesty – It doesn't matter how far or near you are geographically as long as there is trust between two people. Always make the other person feel loved and wanted and develop the foundation of trust with both big and small efforts.
- Finding ways to stay connected and entertained – When you are in a long-distance relationship opportunity to meet are few and restricted. However, try and plan surprises, holidays, and outings together. Find common ways to make each other a part of all the fun and happy moments.
- Exploring new and creative ways to maintain intimacy- Intimacy is not merely attained by physical touch but also through words and thoughts. Use the magic of music, letters, quotes, surprises, and much more to maintain the bond of intimacy between you and your loved ones.
Many factors, other than being geographically separated, can affect your extended distance relationships including lack of communication, intimacy, connection, etc. Still, if there is a strong will to make it last, those involved are sure to find the way to keep the relationship vibrant and engaging.
Our long-distance relationship gifts are one of the best and most priceless ways to let the other person know how much they are loved and valued. With a simple touch, you can brighten up not just their spaces but their faces and lives. Make the best use of our technology marvels and brighten the bond with your loved ones like never before. Order our best Friendship Lamps and Friendship Touch Lamps today.
1. Can you ship friendship lamps outside the US?
Yes, we can. You can order our wide range of Friendship Touch Lamps from anywhere worldwide. You can easily order from our website or amazon to find out more.
2. How can I order a specific color?
There is no need for you to order any specific color. All our range of projects can produce more than 256 unique colors. If you want your lamps to shine in a particular color, you must go to the app settings and make the relevant and desired changes.
3. Do I need Wi-Fi to use my Friendship Lamps?
Yes, Friendship lamps connect and communicate with the use of a good Wi-Fi connection. We provide you with two setup options to choose from. You can easily connect your devices by Using a Filimin Bridge, or our bridgeless App Setup.