What one single word could I use to describe Filimin as a company?
What does it mean to be unique?
The dictionary states that unique is: being the only one of its kind, unlike anything else.
That's the right word for what we at Filimin are; Unique. Throughout my work history, I have never worked for such a unique group of people for an even more unique objective: “Keep families connected.”
The uniqueness starts with who all works together to make this product happen. The founder of the company was a College Professor, violinist/Concertmaster for The Wichita Symphony Orchestra, and a technology guru that just wanted his family that was spread out all over the United States to have a way to stay connected.
As time has progressed he has added a very unique group of employees to his idea. We have refugees from different parts of Africa that are being taught English, how to use it correctly and certain acceptable social skills. College students seeking to get work skills and make some extra cash. Part of our production process is sent to WIN (Women’s Initiative Network) working with women coming from some kind abuse. Just to name a few.
Then there’s me, now Plant Manager, that started only working a few hours a week due to physical limitations but now I only have a few limits. We are a diverse group of people coming from so many different backgrounds with a single mindset of “Keep the Connections Going.”
That is truly the spirit I witnessed recently with the COVID-19 pandemic. It was the moment things started shutting down around us and the world as we knew it was now upside down. Instead of mass panic, like running to buy toilet paper, or concerns about what could possibly happen;
Is everyone being laid off?
What will we do?
All those negative thoughts.
No, Everyone took a breath, stepped back for a moment, gathered our thoughts, and we gathered together to start making plans on how everyone could work from home and still stay within the COVID guidelines. Different ones went home and cleared spaces to do production at their kitchen tables or in their garages, while the Customer Service team made sure their internet would work with the call system they needed. Me, as the plant manager, started putting together “take home kits” and setting plans in place so that drop off/pick-up times would make it to where people would be safe. It was not as smooth as we would like, but it is working.
As things continue, again many are adjusting their at home work environment to handle other jobs as needed. Is it a lot of work and long hours?
But that is not why we do it. It is a labor of love.
Love for what the company stands for. A love for our families. A love for our customers. It is hope that drives this company. The hope that we, as a company, have been able to keep families connected through this difficult time and everyday. Every testimonial we receive pushes us to do more, be better, and hang on just a little longer. No matter what happens in the world, we will keep the heart light on!